Big Foot High School's National Honor Society members in collaboration with the American Red Cross hosted a blood drive today to support the local community's need for blood, urging students, faculty, and the public to donate and make a difference.
Why This Matters:
Local Need: Every day, hospitals rely on blood donations to treat patients, perform surgeries, and manage emergencies.
Saving Lives: Your blood donation can save up to three lives.
Community Involvement: This blood drive is a great opportunity for Big Foot HS to showcase our community spirit and make a positive impact on the lives of others.
Why: To help ensure a steady supply of blood for those in need.

Big Foot student Rebecca Konkel one of 75 in the Nation chosen to attend Next Gen Conference in Florida.
The National FFA Organization, the nation’s premier school-based student leadership organization with over one million members, recently hosted its first Next Gen Conference of the year in Orlando, Florida, from March 4-8. Next Gen Conferences help FFA student members map out future career opportunities in agriculture. This conference brought 75 high school sophomores, juniors and seniors together to experience plant science careers and companies through informational sessions, roundtable discussions, and tours. Next Gen conferences are one impactful way FFA prepares students for the more than 350 careers in agriculture, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to make their best next steps after high school graduation.
The Next Gen Conference: Plant Systems tour locations around Orlando included:
Wekiwa Gardens Greenhouse
Scott’s Miracle Gro Research Lab
Showcase of Citrus
Cherrylake Tree Farm
“It’s always a privilege watching students attend Next Gen Conferences as they are eager to learn, network and grow,” said Joe Martin, program specialist, advocacy, literacy & ag-based experiences, National FFA Organization. “Once the conference is over, they’re even more empowered to continue equipping themselves with the skills they need to pursue their own individual goals.”
The 75 students selected to participate were chosen from a competitive applicant pool. Students were asked to share about their Supervised Agricultural Experience, the work-based learning portion of agricultural education that applies concepts learned in the classroom to internships or entrepreneurship. Supervised Agricultural Experiences of students who attended the conference included landscape installation placements, greenhouse management, vegetable production, and nursery operations.

Recently Big Foot high school's Technology and Stem-education area was featured in the teaching today newsletter. You can read the article. It can be found on page 36 click on the link below.

Big Foot high School Blood Drive Wednesday March 12

Last week Thursday, students wrapped up the winter sports season with a student-staff basketball games. After competitive gameplay and fun spirited plays from all teams involved, there had to be only one winner per game, with the girls and boys basketball teams both falling to the staff members. The male staff won with a score of 33 to 28, while the female staff won a close game 24 to 22.

Celebrating school March Madness, students dressed up in various themes throughout this week in preparation for Thursday's student-staff basketball game!
The themes were as follows:
Monday - College Apparel
Tuesday - Jersey Day
Wednesday - Soccer Moms & Baseball Dads
Thursday - Big Foot Apparel
Friday - Pajama Day

Volunteers still needed contact Neal Raskin if you would like to volunteer. nmraskin@bigfoot.k12.wi.us or 262-394-4467
Big Foot Students to Participate in District Solo & Ensemble Festival
Students from area schools will participate in a Wisconsin School Music Association (WSMA) sanctioned District Solo & Ensemble Music Festival hosted at Big Foot High School on Saturday, March 8, 2025. During the festival, which is free and open to the public, students will perform vocal and instrumental solos, duets, trios and small ensembles before an adjudicator.
WSMA music festivals annually attract thousands of students from middle, junior high and high schools throughout Wisconsin. The festival will draw students from a number of area schools, including Big Foot High School, Catholic Central High School, Clinton High School, Elkhorn Area High School, Elkhorn Area Middle School, Fontana Middle School, Lake Geneva Middle School, Our Redeemer Lutheran School, Reek School, Sharon Community School, Walworth Middle School, Williams Bay High School and Williams Bay Junior High School. Neal Raskin, music director from Big Foot High School, will be serving as the festival manager.
“WSMA is proud to support music educators as we work together to provide quality music education experiences for students. Our long-standing festival programs encourage well-rounded musicians who develop deeper understanding through performance preparation that culminates in comprehensive feedback from a qualified adjudicator. Opportunities for reflection and consideration of new ideas is invaluable for musical growth,” said WSMA Executive Director Laurie Fellenz.
WSMA music festivals support school music programs as part of a comprehensive education by encouraging the study of quality music literature; motivating students to prepare and perform to the best of their abilities; improving students’ understanding of music literature and concepts (performance through understanding) and providing a performance assessment to improve individual and group achievement.
For more information on WSMA, go to www.wsmamusic.org.

Important message for National breakfast week from our Food Service Department.

🎵 March is Music in Our Schools Month! 🎶
Join us in celebrating the incredible power of music education and the talented students and teachers who bring it to life every day. From inspiring creativity to building confidence and teamwork, music is an essential part of learning and growth! We are fortunate to have Mr Raskin and Ms Williams working with our students. ✨❤ Let’s make some noise for music in our schools! 🥳🎼

Trivia Night!
Big Foot NHS is hosting our second annual Trivia Night on Friday, March 14th in the Big Foot Commons! Anybody and everybody is welcome to join! The trivia fun runs from 6:00 - 8:00pm. Tables of up to 6 people on a team are available for $30. The school store will be open during this time too. We would love for the community to be involved too so invite your friends and family!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Noah Langelund at ntlangelund@bigfoot.k12.wi.us or Mrs. Nickel at amnickel@bigfoot.k12.wi.us.
Thank you! We hope to see you all there!

National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) - March 3-7, 2025.

It's National School Breakfast Week!
A healthy breakfast fuels our students for success in the classroom and beyond! This week, we're shining a spotlight on the importance of starting the day with a nutritious meal. A Big Shout out to our Food Service ladies for supplying great breakfast menu options.
What's your favorite school breakfast item?
Share in the comments!

Reminder for juniors. How to prepare for senior year is tonight.

Buy your Grad Grams today! Grad Grams are personalized greeting cards designed to congratulate and inspire Big Foot High School graduates! Purchase blank Grad Gram pages, decorate them with messages, photos, and stickers, and return them to the BFHS main office by Monday, May 19th. Each graduate will then receive a special Grad Gram book at their graduation ceremony. Grams are for sale now in the main office or with Ms. Krick, with all proceeds going to support the Freshman Class. Email alkrick@bigfoot.k12.wi.us for bulk orders. Visit the website below for all details. https://sites.google.com/bigfoot.k12.wi.us/bfhsgradgrams/home

Attention Big Foot High School families!
Join us next week for Parent-Teacher conferences on Monday, March 3, from 5:00 -7:30 PM! This is a great opportunity to connect with teachers and discuss your child's progress.
Also, juniors and their families are invited to a special presentation on preparing for senior year! Don't miss it! What questions do you have about the upcoming year?

National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) - March 3-7, 2025
Eating breakfast is important to helping students achieve academic success, whether they are learning in-person or virtually. School breakfast programs play a vital role in ensuring that all students have access to a nutritious breakfast to start the day.

Just a reminder today is the deadline to get your letters in if you're interested in this position a previous post, we had a email that was not correct. This email in this notice is correct and it was changed in the past notices if you have any problems contact the school
BIG FOOT UNION HIGH SCHOOL Walworth, Wisconsin PRESS RELEASE Big Foot Union High School Board of Education is looking for a board member from the Village of Walworth. The Big Foot Board of Education's formal replacement process will include: 1) Informing district constituents of the vacancy a. the board vacancy will be posted at Walworth Elementary School. b. the board vacancy will be officially noticed via a press release. c. the board vacancy will be officially noticed via posting on the main office lobby window. d. the board vacancy will be posted electronically via Facebook and the BFHS website.
2) All interested constituents are asked to apply in writing to the district's main office (attention:
Doug Parker, District Administrator) no later than Friday, February 28 @ 5:00 PM. 401 Devils Lane,
Walworth, WI 53184 262-394-4501
drparker@bigfoot.k12.wi.us Please include in your application letter your qualifications, background, experience, and reason(s) for applying. 3) All interested constituents will be considered by the Board of Education at a Special Meeting to be held on March 3 at 6 pm, and one candidate will be appointed. The Big Foot Union High School Board of Education would like to encourage all interested community members of voting age living in the Big Foot Union High School District in the Village of Walworth to apply for this vacancy

Important message from Big Foot high school Food Service

🌟 Attention Big Foot High School families! 🌟
Join us next week for Parent-Teacher conferences on Monday, March 3, from 5:00 - 7:30 PM! This is a great opportunity to connect with teachers and discuss your child's progress. 📚✨
Also, juniors and their families are invited to a special presentation on preparing for senior year! Don’t miss it! What questions do you have about the upcoming year? 💬