BFHS Esports

2024-2025 Esports - Row 1: Mrs. Jill Connley, Lilith Smith, AJ Zaraza, Ian Ogura, Amy Santner; Row 2: Dante Haro, Brice Acup, Ryan Socha, Keston Watson, Mr. William Hibbard; Not Pictured: Nathan Finnegan, Thomas Grossman, Donovan Knight, Jeremiah Krakau
Wisconsin High School Esports Association
Big Foot Esports team is part of the Wisconsin High School Esports Association (WIHSEA) since the 19-20 school year. All games and tournaments are chosen and run by the WISHEA.
What are esports?
Esports or “Electronic sports” are competitive electronic games of strategy and discipline that can be played individually or as a team. The versatility of game-play and game genre make esports one of the most versatile competitions appealing to many contestants and non contestants in the world, while also making it one of the most popular and well viewed.
Why have esports in school?
Reach the WHOLE Student Population
Every student has an level playing field to compete and participate in Esports competitions.
Gaming reaches every demographic of student these days!
Provide an outlet
Esports provides an opportunity for non-traditional athletes to compete for their schools and learn the same great principles of teamwork, practice, and competition as with traditional sports.
This also allows students to get involved, and help motivate them to maintain academic eligibility, and provide a safe atmosphere to express themselves.
Congratulations to the 2nd in State Overwatch team!
The 20-21 varsity Overwatch team took home the second place trophy at the WIHSEA esports competition, held virtually this year. The team consists of Kyle Gerdes, Ethan Connelly, Oliver Vail, Victor Espinosa, Anthony Soto, and Angel Ortiz.
The team also placed in the 19-20 Overwatch State competition.