Instrumental Music @BFHS
The bands at BFHS have a long tradition of musical excellence. Students have an opportunity to perform in two concert bands and a curricular jazz ensemble. In addition to these curricular offerings, students may supplement their musical experiences during the day by performing in extra curricular ensembles like pep band or pit orchestra.

Symphonic Band
Our full concert ensemble for 9-12 grades.

Jazz Program
Information about auditions and special requirements for jazz.

Pep Band
We play loud and we don't back down!
High School Music FAQ'S
How is music different in high school?
While the actual act of playing your instrument is similar, the social network and safety net that high school music provides is very different from junior high. From day one, your child will be musically and personally mentored by successful upperclassmen who have a vested interest in their success. They will have dozens of new and like-minded friends before school even begins and have experiences (Friday night football games and trips) that are unlike anything they have experienced in junior high.
What music should I register for?
All incoming students should register for Concert Band or Concert Choir. We will come down to the school to hear your child play. If a schedule change is required based on their musical skill sets, we will make the change for you.
Can I do music and sports?
YES! There might be occasional conflicts, but know that our faculty works hard to resolve as many conflicts as possible before they occur and to work collaboratively to solve them when they arise.
How much out of school time is required?
The many ensembles have different requirements for participation. Some ensembles require very little (less than standard homework) while other ensembles require more substantial commitment. Generally, the greater the level of commitment, the greater the reward and memories. Regardless of the ensemble, a year-long calendar will be provided well in advance to help you plan for these events.
What are the costs?
The costs associated with music depend on which instrument your child plays and whether they decide to enroll in private lessons. The music staff work together to provide fundraising opportunities for each and every child and ensure that no one is excluded due to financial issues.
What if I am not sure if I want to do music in high school?
Remember when your children wouldn’t eat the food you made for them? You always said, “Try it before you decide you don’t like it.” Music is the same way. You should sign up for music even if you are unsure. If at some point you decide that music is not for you, drop the class. It is much easier to drop something after trying it, than to join late when you decide you miss it.
How do I procure an instrument?
The school provides many of the larger and more expensive instruments. We encourage students playing smaller, less expensive instruments to either rent or purchase their own instrument. We will not let instrument availability or financial constraints keep your child from participating. More information regarding instrument availability will be mailed as the new school year approaches.
What if I have other questions?
Please know that we are here to answer any and all questions that you may have. Due to the busy nature of our program, it is difficult to contact us by phone. The best way for you to reach me is electronically at This will allow us to respond to your query, whether you are available by phone or not.