
Big Foot High School Education Foundation Inc.


About Big Foot High School Educational Foundation Inc.

The Big Foot School Educational Foundation Inc was established in 1975 as a charitable foundation to award scholarships to deserving students that attend and graduate from BFHS. The Board consists of 4 community members, a representative of the faculty, the school board and the high school administrator. Its purpose is to promote and aid in the education and granting of scholarships to BFHS students.

The Scholarship Foundation is an exempt organization under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are deductible for federal and state tax purposes to the full extent of the law.

Big Foot High School Educational Foundation Inc. By-Laws


ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP DONATIONS - Endowed funds can be established with a minimum contribution to be determined with the board. This would allow a permanent gift to be established that will keep funding scholarships from you, your family, or your organization, for years to come.
ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP DONATIONS - Donations of any size from corporations, civic and charitable groups, and individuals can be made annually. In addition to establishing the amount of their scholarship, donors may specify a specific course of study and/or job training their desire their recipients to pursue. Unless directed otherwise, scholarships are paid during the recipients freshman year, one half on completion of the first semester and the balance at completion of second semester. 

Big Foot High School Educational Foundation Inc.

Attention Bailey Racky
401 Devils Lane
Walworth, WI 53184

efunds Online Donation Instructions

Board of Directors

Richard Rasmussen - President
Larry Austin - Vice President
Doug Parker - Secretary/Treasurer
Travis Frederick - Community Member
Margaret Labus - School Board Representative
Susan Pruessing - Community Member
Bailey Racky - Faculty Representative