2024-2025 FFA - Row 1: Gianna Kud, Skylar Mahley, Mylee Walter, Brooklyn Hill, Trevor Morand, Rebecca Konkel, Callie Lohse, Kennedy Burton, Keilani Shallcross, Fiore Morgan, Sami Kust; Row 2: Mrs. Lisa Konkel, Lincoln Spencer, Lexi Patterson, Maliyja Spearman, Gwyn Jacobs, Kaylie Patterson, Dawson Walter, Connor Weeks, Kacey Duber, Ellie Bauer, Greta Mereness, Emily Zimmerman; Row 3: Jonah Henningfeld, Lorelei Southwick, Northina Goeddeke, Landyn Henningfeld, Alex Bender, Brett Harvey, Ariah Keller, Brilie Esser, Jesse Ocampo Gonzalez, Franchezka Hardt, Tyler Weeks, Olivia Boviall; Row 4: Ethan Mahley, Reid Henningfeld, Joshua Bendle, Jacob Dykstra, Gavin Baxter, Hoyt Dase, Brody Kynell, Briella Barbian, Elijah Henningfeld, Evan Henningfeld, Andrew Hearn, Charlie Bovaill
Mrs. Lisa Konkel
Purpose: FFA is the largest secondary youth organization in the world. FFA promotes the agricultural industry and develops personal leadership. FFA’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.
Membership: Membership in FFA is open to any freshman or upperclassmen student enrolled in an agriscience course. Middle School Membership is available for 7th and 8th grade students at our partner schools. Students not enrolled in an agriscience course may participate in meetings and events at the local level, but can not be enrolled as a state or national member.
Activities: Some activities include:
Fairs: Walworth County Fair and Wisconsin State Fair
Community Service: Stuff the Bus with Sentry, Fuel Food For Families (donating produce grown in the school garden to the Walworth Food Pantry), Operation Christmas Child
Leadership/Personal Growth: I Am/Connect Conference, FIRE Conference, Farm Forum Conference, Sectional Leadership Workshops
Career/Awards: Area, State & National Level: Career Development Events, Leadership Development Events (Public Speaking), Agriscience Fair, Proficiency Awards, Greenhand Degree, Chapter Degree, State Degree, American Degree.
For Fun: Skyzone, Fall/Winter Retreat, Pre-Meeting Activities, Bowling, Mini-golf
Meetings: The third Monday of each month at 6:15 p.m. in the Ag Room (w27). Some committee work is done during FLEX period.
3-Circle Model: The 3-circle model of agricultural education includes classroom instruction, Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), and FFA. This helps develop students into a well-rounded individual by gaining education, leadership, and work-based experience in the agricultural field. The 3-circle model makes FFA an intracurricular organization at Big Foot High School.

National FFA Organization
This links to National FFA to access agriscience fair and awards.
National FFA Organization
This is a link to the National FFA Page to access awards, proficiencies and your personal FFA account.