National Honor Society (NHS)

2024-2025 NHS - Row 1: Mrs. Andrea Nickel, Annabelle Pearce, Kaitlyn Linker, Lily Wolf, Mya Gonzalez, Rebecca Konkel, Stacy Forsythe, Kennedy Burton, Allie Stankevitz, Karlie Kroening, Kate Hummel, Kelsie Kreoning; Row 2: Jane Pick, Emily Zimmerman, Emma Nisius, Abigail Phillips, Natalie Klamm, Kate Cismoski, Brilie Esser, Northina Goeddeke, Holly Kynell, Jada Lee, Yasmin Lopez Beetstra; Row 3: Molly Andersen, Jonah Henningfeld, Elliott Vail, Reid Henningfeld, Jake DeMarco, Logan McHugh, Joshua Bendle, Evan Henningfeld, Benjamin Lavariega, Noah Langelund, Luca Perez, Wyatt Vail; Row 4: Austin Kooyenga, Jack Kammermeier, Sawyer Dase, Carter Ries, Ethan Rurey, Scout Giroux, Dakota Nordmeyer, Ben Grant, Jack Hamburg, Ryan Swaney, Troy Katzenberger, Gavin Baxter; Not Pictured: Kevin Dunkel, Tyler Short, Aubri Waswo, Stephanie Barth, Lydia Farence, Ava Hanna, Sophia Stewart, Haylie Wanat
Mrs. Andrea Nickel
National Honor Society is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. Going beyond grade point average, members of National Honor Society have demonstrated a commitment to scholarship, service, leadership, and character. All members must continue to uphold all 4 pillars of membership through their academic and volunteer activities within the school and community. In addition, members must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA and complete 25 hours of community service each school year, along with participation in mandatory volunteer events.
A few of the ways National Honor Society members are making a difference in our school and community...
Red Cross Blood Drives - at least 2 per year
After-School Tutoring
Little Libraries in Delavan, Fontana, Reek, and Sharon
Adopt-A-Highway towards Sharon
Assisting with Registration
Rotary Corn and Brat Fest
Trunk or Treat for Walworth PTO
Volunteering at Fontana Fall Fun Fest and Walworth Winter Fest
Babysitting Services for Parent-Teacher Conferences at Big Foot High School
Thanksgiving Food Drive for the Big Foot Food Pantry and Sharon & Chiefs Closets
Hunters for the Hungry Food Drive
Open Arms Free Clinic Gala
BF Giving Tree for the Holidays
Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army
Cocoa & Cram Study Sessions during First Semester Exam Week
Have a Heart Food Drive for the Big Foot Food Pantry and Sharon & Chiefs Closets
Staff Appreciation Week
Valentine Grams for Big Foot students and staff
Winter Fest at Walworth Elementary School
BF Rec Easter Egg Hunts
Hosting a Trivia Night
Fontana Walk for Wellness
Sharon Family Fun Night
Ushering at Graduation