McKinney-Vento Programming for Families in Transition
The EHCY program, authorized under the McKinney-Vento Act, is designed to address the needs of students in transition and ensure educational rights and protections for these children and youths. At Big Foot High School we refer to students who qualify under McKinney-Vento Act as students and families in transition.
Who Qualifies as a Student in Transition
The following living conditions qualify a student as being in transition
are temporarily sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing or
economic hardship
are living in motels, hotels, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative
adequate accommodations
are living in emergency shelters
have a nighttime residence that is not designed for or ordinarily used as a
regular sleeping accommodation
are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard
housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings
are runaway children or children who are abandoned
Significant, Lasting Impact of Families and Students in Transition
Research and data, including surveys of families in transition, homeless and formerly homeless youths, indicate that experiencing transition and homelessness can have significant negative impacts on children academically, socially, and emotionally.
Students experience greater school mobility than their non-homeless, transitioning peers. School mobility can cause interruptions to a child’s education and is associated with lower school achievement and an increased risk of dropping out of school.
Students are at a greater risk of being chronically absent than their non-homeless, transitioning peers. Chronic absenteeism is associated with lower academic achievement and higher dropout rates.
Students face significant gaps in high school graduation rates compared to their peers, according to data from the States that disaggregate graduation rates for homeless, transitioning youths.
Rights of Students and Families in Transition
Students in transition who move out of the district have the right to remain in their schools of origin (i.e., the school the student attended when permanently housed or in which the student was last enrolled, which includes preschools) if that is in the student’s best interest.
If it is in the student’s best interest to change schools, students in transition must be immediately enrolled in a new school, even if they do not have the records normally required for enrollment
Transportation must be provided to or from a student’s school of origin, at the request of a parent, guardian, or, in the case of an unaccompanied youth, the local liaison
Students in transition must have access to all programs and services for which they are eligible, including special education services, preschool, school nutrition programs, language assistance for English learners, career and technical education, gifted and talented programs, magnet schools, charter schools, summer learning, online learning, and beforeand after-school care
Unaccompanied youths must be accorded specific protections, including immediate enrollment in school without proof of guardianship
Parents, guardians, and unaccompanied youths have the right to dispute an eligibility, school selection, or enrollment decision
Potential Services Provided
Assistance with Enrollment & FAFSA
Transportation Assistance
Fee Waivers
Food, Clothing, Toiletries Shelter/Housing Assistance School Supplies
Additional Academic Supports
Contact Information
Stacie Sheppard is the McKinney-Vento liaison for Big Foot Union High School. If you are aware of a student or family in transition living in the Big Foot High School District please contact Stacie Sheppard at or (262) 394-4513.