The Big Foot Union High School Grading Policy for Agriscience and Science courses is at the left. Tasks include your typical homework, quizzes, classwork, or simplified lab work. Assessment tasks include research projects, lab work, and unit exams.
A student's semester grade is determined by total points earned for assignments (weighted at 80%) and 20% final assessment or exam.
On assessment assignments, students are offered an opportunity to make corrections to lab work to improve their score and also are able to re-take unit exams for improvement. Please review the policy for details and be sure to ask your instructor.
The lab report checklist and rubric help guide students to better understand the process of developing their summative lab reports. All Agriscience/Science courses use a research-based formal rubric to grade all summative lab assignments in our courses.
The lab report template is a formal outline available for students who need this additional assistance.
Students who submit their summative lab work on time have an opportunity to correct any errors for grade improvement. Please see the grading policy for details