grad grams

Senior Grad Grams for the Class of 2024 are now officially for sale in the Big Foot main office or with Ms. Krick.  Grams are 4 for $1.00.

Please visit our site for FAQ's, a list of the Class of 2024, and other information.

Grad Grams are a personalized greeting card for graduates. Grad Grams are a way to inspire, congratulate, and remember your favorite BFHS graduates. You can purchase Grad Grams that you decorate and return to the Big Foot High School Front office.  The Grad Gram pages are purchased in the spring, and collected a few weeks prior to graduation.  The Grad Grams are then assembled into personalized books and given to each graduate with their diploma at the graduation ceremony. All of the money raised from the sale of Grad Grams goes to the Freshmen class to promote a positive school culture at Big Foot and to carry with them in their account as they continue through BFHS.  All Grams are due Monday, May 20, 2024.  No late submissions will be taken, due to Grad Gram books being assembled by hand.

Please return all completed Grams to the main office or the Red Grad Gram box outside of the main office.

If you have any questions, please email Ms. Krick at